An Initiative Test for apprentices was organized in 1963. The object of the exercise was to see who could travel furthest from Coventry, with a maximum of ten shillings to spend, and also get back within the allocated time.
Apprentices could not use their own transport, other than a bicycle, or shanks’ pony. Upon reaching their turnabout point, they had to bring proof back showing how far they had reached. The allotted time was from 4 pm on a Friday until 7 am the following Monday.
Many weird and wonderful experiences were related, and a few apprentices were temporarily stranded. The winner was Francis McGauran, who reached Aberdeen by devious means, and succeeded in getting back to clock-in on time. Joint 2nds were Bill Eve and Victor Inegbedion, who both reached Cumbernauld, north of Glasgow, and returned successfully. Congratulations, all.

ARCHIVE: December, 1963