WHEN was the Standard Pipe Band formed, and does it still exist? Continue reading “Standard Pipe Band”
Help required…
Another fabulous photograph – but no details. Can you help? Continue reading “Help required…”
Full Employment – Overtime and More Jobs
Reproduced from the 1963 in-house newspaper the optimism for the year end was apparent at Standard Triumph. Continue reading “Full Employment – Overtime and More Jobs”
Apologies for the grainy photograph but there may be enough clues. Continue reading “Retirement?”
Toy Car
When I was born there was a Standard childs motorized car in the garden of our home. Apparently my father took the car in lieu of a debt and the man he had it from said it had been made at Standard’s factory for Sir John Black. Continue reading “Toy Car”
WW1 Coventry Memorial
Coventry to honour Triumph soldiers with memorial renovation. Continue reading “WW1 Coventry Memorial”