Edward Ken Wadsworth

My father (Edward Ken Wadsworth) came from Manchester and started working at The Standard Motor Co as a qualified electrician and progressed to the position of Plant Director responsible for all maintenance and tool room departments that included Canley, Fletchhamstead North and South, Radford and Western Avenue.

I ( Peter Wadsworth) first went to visit the Canley factory just after the war in about 1946 at the age of 6 years. It was almost inevitable that 10 years later I would start my Standard Motor apprenticeship training to be a Factory Layout Engineer. The school was located at the Massey Ferguson plant on Banner Lane where I eventually came back to finish my working life. My early recollections are having a ride on the fire engine and going into the boiler house and seeing a row of 13 huge boilers, originally coke fired and later converted to oil fired.

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James Harland Willis – 45 years service!

Wonderful to see your website and fascinating photos.
My Dad, James Harland Willis, was born 3/12/1919 in Whitby.

He joined The Standard Motor Company on the Apprenticeship scheme on 21/2/1936 ( a five year scheme as a “Fitter & Machinist” Starting wage for year one 12 shillings a week rising to 24 shillings a week in the final year.

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Home Sales, 1960

“I worked in the Home Sales at Canley. I started in 1960. My boss was Mr Rushworth and my under boss was Mr Russell. I was there when the Triumph Herald was built and sold. We sold the cars to the distributers. “

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