In the middle of the workshop there was a fibreglass making booth . It was a three sided booth with double skin walls with the benches at working height and extraction all round the rear of the benches to a roof height chimney.
Tom Kirkham – 38 Years Service
(My grandad) Started in March 1941 and retired on 24th March 1979 (38 years).
When he started they were making the DeHavilland Mosquito fighter/bomber – then he worked on sequencing the track – Vanguard / Mayflower / Renown / Standard 8 & 10. Also spent time at Banner Lane (Standard were there for a while). Continue reading “Tom Kirkham – 38 Years Service”
Standard Triumph Ladies – Trim Shop. Mavis Langdon Pt2
Following on from Part 1, here are the names associated with this photo.
Continue reading “Standard Triumph Ladies – Trim Shop. Mavis Langdon Pt2”
Standard Triumph Ladies – Trim Shop. Mavis Langdon Pt1
A great series of images from Carmel Langdon have been sent in featuring her mum Mavis and a number of Standard Triumph staff in the sixties.
Carmel says “Mum was in various factory shops and moved continually around” the photos look like a trim shop, there are certainly sewing machines and bits of trim in some of the photos. Mavis can name a number of the people in the photos, so we are working on that too.
Continue reading “Standard Triumph Ladies – Trim Shop. Mavis Langdon Pt1”
That’s Me! Ron Thompson
We have a match!
We posted the original photograph from our archives for the site launch at the end of January of this year, it shows a group in the TR section of the Assembly Shop at Canley.
The photo was from the Standard News, the in-house company newspaper dated May 1959. The subject is Fred West and Fred was 69 and for six years worked as a sweeper in the section. He retired Easter 1959. Handing over the retirement gift of a wallet and £11 is Shop Steward Jack Griffin. Continue reading “That’s Me! Ron Thompson”
Playing a Round – Standard Triumph Golf Pt1
Dated immediately post war this fantastic photo shows members of the Standard Triumph Golf Club. Continue reading “Playing a Round – Standard Triumph Golf Pt1”