Mrs Enid. A. Bowers, S.R.N., 0.H.N.C., has been appointed Senior Sister-in-Charge of Surgeries, Coventry factories.

Mrs. Bowers had been deputy to Sister Kearton for some time and the appointment arose through the recent retirement of Sister Kearton after many years’ service to the Company. Mrs. Bowers reports directly to Mr A. T. Burch, Employee Services Manager. In addition to the above appointment, Miss D. Hutchinson, S.R.N., O.H.N.C., was appointed Deputy Sister-in-Charge, Surgeries, Coventry factories.
ARCHIVE: February, 1973
All the big factories in the 50s and 60s had a Nursing Sister in charge of the medical centre. We wouldn’t have survived without the medical staff.
Ric Osborne
Must have been a very busy job considering the absence of all health and safety rules that now exist. I worked at Standard Triumph in the 60s and believe me some of the jobs I did would now be illegal.
John Drakeford
I started work at the Jaguar Browns lane in the saw mill, it was the Nursing Sister at the factory who told me to get out, as my nose streamed with blood every time we machined Mansonia, a hardwood from Borneo.
John Miles