Jack Cooke started in 1938 as a pipe fitter under Mr. Lowe who was Works Engineer for the No. 1 Shadow Factory. Later, under the supervision of the late Mr. L. Hall. Works Engineer, and Mr. Whalley, foreman. Jack worked throughout the war keeping pace with the increasing production of aero engines, and carried out most of the pipe work in the carburettor factory. During the war he also did stalwart work at night as an Aero No. 1 fire guard, and worked during daytime to maintain essential services especially after the blitzes in 1940.
After the war, the Shadow Factory was used for a number of purposes. Fisher and Ludlow used it for producing car bodies and ammunition boxes, our Company used it as Final Finish Department on new cars, and it was also used for work on the Avon jet, and Ferguson tractors. Later, the Spares and Service Department. from Fletch North to what is now Fletch South factory. This was followed by the installation of the Gearbox Machine Shop, Heat Treatment Department, and Gearbox Assembly Shop. These were some of the major moves which took place and which Jack helped to a successful conclusion. Over the years there have been innumerable smaller movements of departments which have called for his skill and experience in making them as successful as the major moves.
In 1954 Jack Cooke was made foreman and was in that position until the retirement of Mr. L. Hall in 1960. He then came under the supervision of Mr. L. R. Baker and was promoted to Maintenance Deputy Superintendent. Following Mr. Baker’s transfer to Canley some time later as Chief Works Engineer. Jack was promoted to be Maintenance Superintendent at Fletch South which position held until retirement. (Jan 1972).

On behalf of maintenance workers at Fletch South Mr L. R. Baker presented Jack with an electric toaster and an antique table lamp.
Later. Mr. A. Robinson. Planning Director, made a presentation on behalf of the management. The gifts included an electric clock. binoculars, slicing machine, electric shower a and a bouquet for Mrs. Cooke.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooke intend to remain at 31 Westhill Rood, Coundon. They will however be spending long holidays in Somerset where they have some holiday bungalows to look after.