We published this photo in our recognise anyone section, a couple of years ago.
Jacqui Adams nee Gold has been in touch.

I think I may recognise 2 people in this photo. Several of my Aunts and Uncle and also possibly Grandfather worked for the Standard Motor Company in the fifties and possibly after the war. The surname was Gold. Names I think worked there are:
Dennis (Known as Mick) Gold
Mick married Helen who worked at Standard as well.
Dennis (Known as Mick) Gold
Mick married Helen who worked at Standard as well.
Stuart Gold
Joseph Gold (My Grandad).
Jean Gold who married Robert Langham and she worked in the office, typing etc.
In the photo I believe my Aunty Jean is on the first row where a lot of ladies are. Young lady 5th along from left in line with a split collar top and cardigan.
The lady on her left may be my Aunty Nora but I do not know her maiden name. Photo is very small to see. I’m also wondering if the man on the right with the moustache was my Uncle Dennis (Mick) He was a teddy boy. He was or became an electrician. All my uncles lived at Kew for many years.