Norman Knott, Executive, Technical Services, retired after 25 years’ service at Standard Triumph.

Norman started work for Standard Triumph in 1947 at Banner Lane, and worked under Les Cleydon, whose father at that time was Catering Manager.
In 1948 he moved to Spares Division on the tractor side of Spares, dealing with buying, progress, and liaison with Harry Ferguson’s company.
Norman took over Specifications and Publications in 1951, and was appointed P.A. to Mr G. E. Durand in 1955.
In 1966 Norman was appointed Executive, responsible for the complete technical and progress side of the operation. He retained these responsi-bilities until June, 1972 when he was appointed Executive, Technical Services, when he remained responsible for the technical side, but also took over inspection.
On behalf of the Spares Division, Mr. K. S. Hyde, Spares Systems Manager, presented gifts of cut glassware, and a bouquet for Mrs. Knott.
Mr. and Mrs. Knott were moving to live in Hertfordshire where Norman is going to become a farm secretary, a position which has been his ambition for some time. He will also enjoy his hobbies of gardening.
ARCHIVE: January, 1973