Name Register

List of Names (Surnames First)

There are currently 234 Ex-employees in this directory beginning with the letter G.
Gabb, Thomas
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1857 Place of Birth: London, London, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gadsby, Bill
Submitted by: Tom Braund

Gaffney, Patrick
My father, Patrick Gaffney
Submitted by: Ann Gaffney

Gagg, Lorna
Spares Division, c1958
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gale, Albert
Captain of the Standard Rugby Team, April 1948 Photo More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gallacher, Charlie. aka (Hong Kong charlie)
Worked as a fitter on the TR line
Submitted by: Stephen, Gallacher

Gallacher, Hughie.
Gear cutter at the Gearbox section
Submitted by: Stephen Gallacher

Gallacher, Kate
Typist in the Shipping Dept
Submitted by: Stephen Gallacher

Gallacher, Stephen
Worked as a floater, between Barb line body drop and the side line 1975/1978.
Submitted by: Stephen Gallacher

Galway, Tom
Worked first at Torrington Avenue from 1964 then moved to Canley and worked in the paint shop until the factory closed.
Submitted by: Fiona Galway

Gane, ?
Final Finish More
Submitted by: Martin Murphy

Gangaram, Barat (Bill)
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More
Submitted by: standard Triumph Works Archive

Gannan, W J
Liverpool, d 17 November, 1971 aged 40
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garden, Frederic Ord
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1856 Place of Birth: India
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardener, Francis Walter
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1896 Place of Birth: Coventry
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardiner, Philip
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1905 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, ?
Final Finish More
Submitted by: Martin Murphy

Gardner, Charles F
Joined Standard Motor Co. in 1922 as Purchase Manager, a position he held until 1944. Appointed to the Board of Directors (assume 1944) Retired Jan 1947. More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, Dick
Apprentice More
Submitted by: Arthur Oldroyd

Gardner, Edith Arthur
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1906 Place of Birth: Allesley, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, Edward
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1880 Place of Birth: Northend, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, F
c1949 member of Recreation Club Committee More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, G
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gardner, Joe
Technical Correspondence
Submitted by: Dave Smith

Gardner, Joseph
Known as Bill worked there early 72 through to 94 and Unipart
Submitted by: Barbara Dunn

Gardner, Tommy
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Garlick, Robert
I was there during the development of the TR7, code named Bullet. The body style was not the one submitted by Triumph styling but was by Harris Mann of Longbridge and chosen by the powers that were of the Leyland group. From our office we observed the viewing and photography of scale models on the grass. I'm sure others will also recall prototypes of the Lynx Fastback TR7, the Broadside four-seater TR7, and the almost into production Fastback Stag. Sadly for financial reasons these cars were never to be.
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Garlick, W
66 men were killed serving in the Great War and their names are inscribed on the memorial stone by the promenade at London Road Cemetery. Inscription: Erected in loving memory of our comrades who gave their lives for liberty in the Great War 1914-1918 by the staff and employees of the Triumph and Gloria companies. 'He was a man and nothing that effected the human race was foreign to him.' More

Garner, Brian
Field service engineer, Zone supervisor-Zone Six (Thanks Brian for your info - and those others - please send us an email with more details and memories. ED)
Submitted by: Brian Garner

Garner, Brian
Service Rep
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garner, James Herbert
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1890 Place of Birth: Wolverton, Buckinghamshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garner, John
Coachbuilder Retired 1950 after 30 years Service
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garnett, Ken
Home Sales Office, Distribution
Submitted by: Paul Bagley

Garratt, H W
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garratt, Herbert William Walter
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1900 Place of Birth: Buckinghamshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garrett, Ian
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garrett, J
Standard Football Team 1959 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garrett, Ken
Triumph motors maintenance Ron Smith, Phil West, Bill Wolohan, Dave Mckeown, Jimmy Mulholland, Barry Widlake, Dick O'Connor many more 1970s and me!
Submitted by: Ken Garrett

Garrett, Pauline
Telephone Exchange 1959 (Radford) More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Garvie, Mary
Secretary at Fletch. North. Pre 1968. Married Len Davies, an analytical chemist in Chromatography and Spectroscopy Laborator, in 1968. More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, Albert
Technical Clerk in Engine Assembly 31 Years Service Started 1941 England Scrum-Half Coached the Coventry works rugby team Retired 1973 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, Alexander
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1896 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, George
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1862 Place of Birth: Evesham, Worcestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, H (Miss)
Ref: 1931 Physical Culture Club More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, Ken
Wartime Mosquito production More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gascoigne, Trevor
Submitted by: Tom Braund

Gaseoyne, Trena Louisa
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1899 Place of Birth: Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gates, John
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1885 Place of Birth: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gatford, Alan
Also played Rugby for the Standard
Submitted by: Mo Gatford

Gatsonides, Maurice
Works rally driver
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gauden, David
Worked there from 1971 - 1980. First four years as a trainee working in most departments around Canley, then the next five years on the Spitfire and Dolomite line in the Rocket Range( New Assembly Hall)
Submitted by: David Gauden

Gault, Roy
Engineering Development Department c1978 More
Submitted by: Dave Howell

Geary, George
Apprentice Training School More
Submitted by: John Clarke

Geddes, James
My dad worked there
Submitted by: Lynda Geddes

Geddes, William
Formerly of Standard, Triumph and Dunlop. Passed away on June 23rd 2009 aged 79 years. Will be sadly missed.
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gee, Joseph
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1890 Place of Birth: Essex, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Geffert, Anthony
Anthony worked at the Standard Triumph from 1970, when he began his electrical engineering apprenticeship there, until the factory's closure
Submitted by: Victoria Geffert (niece)

Geffert, Mary (nee Welsh)
Mary Geffert was originally from Hamilton, Scotland, but spent most of her life in Coventry where she worked at the Standard Triumph.
Submitted by: Victoria Geffert (grand-daughter)

Geinham, Edward George
Deputy Managing Director Lived at Elm Cottage, Malthouse Lane. Kenilworth d March 1967
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gemmell, John William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: N/A Place of Birth:
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gentle, Adrian Francis (Frank)
Apprentice 1955. My Brother was able to finish up his last year of apprenticeship at the NY office. My Brother Francis continued in the auto industry. He now lives in Port Townsend, Washington State, USA. More
Submitted by: Colin Gentle

Gentle, William, Francis (Frank)
My dad was with Triumph in the late 40's through 1960. Service Representative In 1957 Dad was transferred to the U.S.A, New York, NY office East Coast Service Manager 1957 to 1960. Sadly died 1960 More
Submitted by: Colin Gentle

George, Harry
Storekeeper in Spares Stores, Fletch South for 21 years More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

George, Leonard Douglas
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1903 Place of Birth: Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

George, Rowley William Edwin
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1899 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibbard, Ray
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibbons, Bill
Worked in the photography department
Submitted by: Malcolm Dunn

Gibbons, Hazel
Export Sales Clerk Fletch South c1969 - c1972+ Married Graham Stuart (Engine Assembly) More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibbs, Edna
Edna Lombard, Previously Edna Downing (nee Gibbs).
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibbs, John Thomas
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1875 Place of Birth: India
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibbs, Len
Tyre fitter basement

Gibbs, Leonard
Body Prep 1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gibbs, Tony
Cost Office c1979
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gibney, Tom
Paint Shop
Submitted by: Gerry Travers

Gibroy-Scott, David
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1886 Place of Birth: Coventry
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibson, Aiken
Chargehand Cutter Grinding Section at Radford c1960 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gibson, Joyce
Wages clerk at Forward Radiator, early to middle 30s. Was there when I started in 1969 and there when left in 1973.
Submitted by: Michael Newcombe

Gibson, R
BL Parts Retired Feb/March 1979
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gilbert, Bernard
Engine Test
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gilbert, G
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gilbert, R
Planning Dept c1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gilbert, William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1891 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Giles, Geoff
Rocket Range Herald Trim
Submitted by: Geoff Giles

Gill, ?
Final Finish More
Submitted by: Martin Murphy

Gill, Doug
Submitted by: Peter Russell

Gill, Martin
Submitted by: Isobel Gill

Gill, Pauline
Apprentice in 1979
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gill, Tony
Fletch North Drawing Office More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gillies, Duncan
Engineering Inspector, Canley Service 1937-1973
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gilmer, Harry
My Dad
Submitted by: Karen Powell

Gilmore, Peter D
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1890 Place of Birth: Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Ginns, George Hewitt
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1890 Place of Birth: Hinckley, Leicestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gittings, Annie
Submitted by: Carmel Langdon

Gittings, Peg
Submitted by: Carmel Langdon

Gladson, Simon
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More

Glasgow, John James
John James Glasgow was born in 1919 and apprenticed to automobile engineering with the Standard Motor Company, Ltd. He joined the Royal Air Force and became a Navigator. He lost his life in an aircraft accident on 28th October, 1944, at the age of 25.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Glasgow, R
Arc Welding Section, Tinsmiths, Canley c1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gleaves, Sydney
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1870 Place of Birth: Criftins, Shropshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gleed, Dave
Competition Dept. Service Dept. Allesley 1958-1980 Photo at Le Mans
Submitted by: Marilyn Bates

Glover, Emma
Final Finish 32 years Service (Approx 1941-1973)
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Glover, John
My dad John Glover worked on the Stag. He used to pick me up from school in them great car brings back great memories. Experimental Dept.
Submitted by: Graham Glover

Glynn, R
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goddard, Herbert
38 years' continuous service. Foreman of Car Despatch for 14 years. Was in earlier years employed as a delivery driver and demonstrator. Retired 1960 d. June 3, 1960
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goddard, Winifred
Spares Division 32 Years Service Retired 1968 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Godden, C
Standard Male Voice Choir Conductor, 1958
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Godfrey, Ed
Tinsmith c1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Godfrey, Eddie
Great footballer! More
Submitted by: Arthur Oldroyd

Godfrey, Ralph
c1954 c1956 Security Officer
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Godsall, Arthur Wallace
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1883 Place of Birth: Worcester, Worcestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Godwin, Bert
Toolmaker, Massey Ferguson England and Lions Rugby International More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goggings, Janet
Apprentice from 1979, Jonit with Jaguar and Standard Triumph
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gold, Dennis (Mick)
Submitted by: Jacqui Adams nee Gold

Gold, Helen
Married Dennis (Mick) Gold who also worked at the Standard Motor Co. More
Submitted by: Jacqui Adams nee Gold

Gold, Jean
Jean Gold who married Robert Langham and she worked in the office, typing etc. More
Submitted by: Jacqui Adams nee Gold

Gold, Joseph
(My Grandad) More
Submitted by: Jacqui Adams nee Gold

Gold, Stuart
Submitted by: Jacqui Adams nee Gold

Goldie, George
Paint Shop, Canley, c1973
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goldie, John
Final Finish c1972
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Golding, Frank
Chauffeur to Sir John Black More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Golding, J
City & Guilds exam success. London Service Depot c1973 Goodall, John Charles
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1870 Place of Birth: Leeds, Yorkshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goode, Thomas Edward
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1884 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goodridge, Arch
Submitted by: Yvonne Griffin

Goodwin, Alan
I was transferred from Rover to Triumph as an apprentice when Rover Triumph were combined in about 1973. I believe myself and Roy Jolly were the first 2 to move between the companies. I worked in engineering on TR7 European spec car at Fletchnorth and went on to become a chassis development engineer and later working in press cars for many years with Martin Cox and Mike Brooks. Later went on to manage the Preparation of Fleet Demonstrators. Roy was on the drawing board and went on to show great engineering expertise in engine design at Canley, Longbridge and BMW. I left in 1988 after being seconded to ARCONA (Austin Rover North America) and went on to continue to manage the preparation of company cars and demonstrators when the operation was outsourced and based at Baginton and later Lawford Heath, Rugby.
Submitted by: Goodwin, Alan

Goodwin, John
Safety Office, Canley Ref: 1972 More More submitted by Ian Jones (Clarification req for same person ED)
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goodyear, Barry
Fletch North More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goss, Arthur
Wartime Mosquito production More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gough, Bob
Trimmer 70's
Submitted by: Mark McCombie

Gough, Charlie
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Gough, Margaret
Schedule Control, New Assembly Hall, c1966 Gough, Walter
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1868 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gould, Albert Edward
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1898 Place of Birth: Loughborough, Leicestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gould, Christopher
I started from school at 15 in 1960 as a trainee in the body shop, my foreman was a very nice man named Charlie Fisher. Shortly after we moved to a body shop at Torrington Ave in Tile hill. After about 5 years I moved to 15 shop, then I moved to the paint shop on inspection. My last move was to the final finish, I left in 1978 to pursue other interests. My first car in 1962 was a herald coupe in grey and white, I have many happy memories in that car. I find your web site very interesting.
Submitted by: Christopher Gould

Gould, James
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1885 Place of Birth: Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gould, Jimmy
35 years service. Machine Shop Joined Standard in 1915 Cash's Lane "was practically the first Gang Chargehand to be installed by the late Mr. S. O. Beaumont, Machine Shop Manager" Retired 1950 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gould, Joseph
Inspector, 14 years service Died July 23rd, 1962 aged 59.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gouldbourn, Ron
Works rally driver
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Goult, Peter W
Service Training Supervisor (Cars) 1972
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gow, Les
Conveyor of the NUVB based in the Herald assembly shop. After measured day rate was introduced believe he became a Foreman.
Submitted by: Garry Owen

Gowland, Jack
Stores, Fletch South 1963 (at least) 25 years service More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Goymer, Maurice
Service Manager More Home Service executive, Allesley c1963 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grace, James
Toolroom, No 1 Plant. Liverpool. 11 years service
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grady, B
c1949 member of Recreation Club Committee More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grady, J
FINISHING DEPARTMENT, Canley c1931 Grady, Michael
Honorary Technical Advisor to the Registrar. Left ST 1965
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Grady, Mile
Apprentice Instructor More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grady, Mr
Vice-President, Standard Motors Branch British Legion, Chairman of the Benevolent Committee of the Legion Branch. He is a member of the Works Recreation Committee and has been with the Company for the past 16 years. (Ref 1952) More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grafton, Alexander Robert
Ref; September 1948. Lived at 154 Canley Road. Coventry. A staff sergeant aged 45 (in 1948)
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Graham-White, Peter J
Joined Standard Triumph in 1940. Manager of Supplies Division, 1961 Supplies Director, 1968
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Graham, Charles William
Pupil Engineer 66 men were killed serving in the Great War and their names are inscribed on the memorial stone by the promenade at London Road Cemetery. Inscription: Erected in loving memory of our comrades who gave their lives for liberty in the Great War 1914-1918 by the staff and employees of the Triumph and Gloria companies. 'He was a man and nothing that effected the human race was foreign to him.' More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Graham, Ted
Tinsmith More Drum Major Ted Graham was a fitter /tester and worked for Sid Griffin in fletch North main engineering workshop
Submitted by: Lindsey Deacon

Grand, Albert Edgar
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1875 Place of Birth: Banbury, Oxfordshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Granger, L
Body Drawing Office c1960
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grant, A
Standard Football Team 1959 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grant, George
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1853 Place of Birth: Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grant, Raymond Wallace
Service 1968-1973 d 16 January 1973 aged just 26
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grant, Roy
My ex father-in law Roy Grant worked there in the 70-80s
Submitted by: Carol Chamberlain

Grant, Tom
Fletch south maintenance. Tom Grant was Foreman
Submitted by: Alwyne Bates

Gray, Cynthia
Comptometer Operator c1958
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Alan
Personnel Admin Ivy Cottage HR
Submitted by: Bob Owens

Green, Arthur
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1877 Place of Birth: Great Staughton, Cambridgeshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Cecil James
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1898 Place of Birth: Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Charlie
I worked in the press shop
Submitted by: Charlie Green

Green, E A
1933. Chief body engineer with Standard Motor Co Source: The Times, Tuesday, Sep 26, 1933 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Fred
My dad worked there in the 50's, 60's and 70's. His name was Fred Green and he was sales manager for overseas. Sadly he died in 1991.
Submitted by: Jenny Miranda Melo

Green, George Harry
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: N/A Place of Birth: Coventry
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, James
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1869 Place of Birth: Kings Norton, Worcestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Jimmy (1)
35 years' service Retired 1946. More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Jimmy (2)
45 Years Service Started 1915 Retired 1963 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, John
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1884 Place of Birth: Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Julia
Clerk in the Postal department, Fletchamstead Highway 1972
Submitted by: Julia Green

Green, Martin

Green, Mary
Schedule Control, New Assembly Hall, c1966 Green, Paul S.
(Chief Instructor) at Tile Hill Training Centre, Coventry I did my apprenticeship there 1973- 1977. The guys who ran the training school were: Barry Jagger, Paul Green, Jack Selby and Cliff Johnson. More
Submitted by: Steve Matthews

Green, Phil
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Green, Shirley
Supply Division c1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Green, William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1884 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenaway, George
Electrical Team Ref: 1986 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenbank, S
Ref 1952. Civil Defence Unit More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenfield, Mrs
c1949/55 More
Submitted by: Sheila Murphy (nee Egginton)

Greenfield, Reginald
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1905 Place of Birth: Manchester, Lancashire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenway, Dennis
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1902 Place of Birth: Warwick, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenway, Edward John
Toolmaker. Retired 1968 after 40 years Service
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenway, William Lambert
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1903 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Greenwood Sturges, Angela
Typist Facilities Planning JRT Spares about 1975/6 later Secretary Industrial Relations then to Personel Director in Ivy Cottage Canley until June 1979 when I left to go live in Germany Loved working there, had fun. When I saw Cyril Morris name it tweaked my heart, I worked for him and Nick Crichton in Industrial relations
Submitted by: Angela Greenwood Sturges

Gregory, J
Main Trim Retired Feb/March 1979
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gregory, John William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1871 Place of Birth: Salford, Yorkshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gresswell, G
Wages Office c1959
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Grey, James (Jim)
Cutter Grinding Section at Radford Started 1920 retired 1960 (Aged 76) More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grey, William (Bill)
Apprentice Supervisor, c1954 More More Grierson, Bert
Electrical engineer, Canley Maintenance More Foreman electrician More More
Submitted by: Terry Donnelly

Griffin, Anchor
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1885 Place of Birth: Worcestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffin, Gil
My dad Gil Griffin worked there at that time.
Submitted by: Carole Carbery

Griffin, Gilbert
Submitted by: Carole Carbery nee Griffin

Griffin, J
Chief Order Clerk. Spares Section, Service Division c1947
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffin, Jack
Shop Steward, Assembly Shop. TR Section c1959 Find out more HERE
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Griffin, James
Submitted by: Carole Carbery nee Griffin

Griffin, Jim
AUEW Convenor 1973
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffin, Pete
Mechanic, Allesley More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffin, Sid
c1959 Griffin, William
Spares Division, 13 years service d Oct 29, 1971 aged 62
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Arthur
21 Shop, Canley 12 years service. 1961-1973
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Charles George
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1880 Place of Birth: Worcester, Worcestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Charles Raymond
Paint shop
Submitted by: Dean Griffiths

Griffiths, Elizabeth
Secretary to Mr Warren and others at Forward Radiator, Bordesley Green.
Submitted by: Tim Griffiths

Griffiths, Ivor
c1968 Canley (Triumph) Fire Officer More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Jessie
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1883 Place of Birth: Bradford, Yorkshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Tom
23 Shop Final Finish
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, Walter William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1873 Place of Birth: Ellesmere, Shropshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Griffiths, William
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1898 Place of Birth: Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grimbley, Arthur
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1878 Place of Birth: Leicester, Leicestershire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grimes, Reginald Vaughan
Tile Hill. 20 years service. Died October 22, 1963 aged just 44.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grimsley, Thomas Hatfield
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1880 Place of Birth: Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grimston, Jock
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grimwood, ?
Final Finish More
Submitted by: Martin Murphy

Grinham, Edward (Ted)
Standard's Technical Chief 1931. Left for war service returning in 1945. Technical Director and retired as Deputy Managing Director in 1956 Retained as Consultant to Standard Motor Co. GRINHAM, Edward George M.I.Mech.E., M.S.A.E. Consultant to Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., since May, 1957. Consultant to Standard Motor Co., Ltd. since January, 1957. b: April 26, 1891, Gillingham, Kent. Educ: Rochester Grammar School. Served apprenticeship with Vickers, Ltd., Erith, 1906-11; draughtsman, Wolseley Motors, Ltd., Birmingham, 1912-14; draughtsman, Arrol-Johnson, Ltd., Dumfries, 1914-16; Chief Draughtsman, Vulcan Motor Co., Southport, 1917-21; Chief Designer, Humber Co., Ltd., Coventry, 1921-30; Technical Director, Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry, 1930-41; General Manager, de Havilland Co., Ltd., Hatfield, 1941-43 ; Chief Engineer, Rootes Group, Coventry, 1943-45; Technical Director and Deputy Managing Director, Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 1945-56; retired December, 1956. Recreations: golf, fishing. Add: Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Holbrook Lane, Foleshill, Coventry. T: Coventry 88733 ; and Holly Hill, Holly Lane, Balsall Common, Nr. Coventry. T: Berkswell 3204. Photo c 1930 Photo 1950 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grove, Brian
Apprentice from 1946. Made redundant in 1956 but returned two years later to continue to work with Triumph and later Rover group leaving in 1986. More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Grubb, Howard
SC Axle engineer 1950
Submitted by: Triumph Works Archive

Grys, Walter
Fitters mate Maintenance Fletch South
Submitted by: Alwyne Bates

Guessey, Bill
War production.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Guest, Sid
Submitted by: Tom Braund

Guise, Patricia
Telephone Exchange 1959 (Canley) More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gun, Bill
Finisher, Herald Trim, Canley Gang 81. Retired 1973 after long service More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gun, Leslie L B
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1896 Place of Birth: Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gunn, Alice Helen
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1903 Place of Birth: Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gunn, Gladys
Unknown Dept. Married to John (Jimmy) Gunn More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gunn, Jimmy
Service 30 years Joined 1925 London Depot and Park Royal 1936 transferred to Service Department, 1949 More
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gutteridge, Ray
Ray worked for the Standard Motor Company for more than 42 years.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Guy, William Ewart
William Ewart Guy had been a director of Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, for many years, until his retirement through ill-health in 1951. His technical education was obtained at Birmingham Technical College, and he served an apprenticeship with H. W. Ward and Company, Ltd., Birmingham, and the Lanchester Motor Company, Birmingham, and was later employed in the drawing offices of the Wolseley Motor Company, Birmingham, and the Standard Motor Company, Ltd., Coventry. During the 1914-18 war he was a dispatch rider in the Royal Engineers, and just prior to being demobilized was in the Army Service Corps (Mechanical Transport) having risen to the rank of Major. After leaving the Forces Mr. Guy acted as repairs and service manager, and production manager, with Guy Motors, and later became commercial director; he was also a director of the Sunbeam Trolleybus Company. For fifteen years he was closely associated with the technical administration of the War Office department dealing with mechanization, and with the design, development and production of military vehicles. His death occurred on 2nd May, 1954, at the age of fifty-six.
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

Gwynn, Alfred
From 1921 Census. Year of Birth: 1891 Place of Birth: Birmingham, Warwickshire, England
Submitted by: Standard Triumph Works Archive

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