The Standard Service Department has many functions, including the administration of Service and the supply of Standard and Triumph spares to all parts of the world. In addition, it operates large Repair Departments at both Coventry and London. This article deals with the supply of spare parts from the Main Spares Department at Coventry.
Even prior to the war the Standard car output had reached 54,000 per year. A large number of these cars did a great deal of war work with little or no service attention, it will therefore be appreciated that the demand for spares is very considerable. On an average 1,500 spare parts are issued per hour by the Spares Department of The Standard Motor Co. Ltd. at Coventry. 120 different models are covered by the stocks held, and there are over 25,000 detail component items.—These figures alone are sufficient to indicate the efficiency with which this section must be planned and operated to ensure the smooth and rapid supply of spare parts.
Standard Triumph Spares Department
After an order has been received by the Spares Department, its first stage is the interpretation of the customer’s requirements into the Part Numbers under which the order is handled. This work has for many years been under the supervision of Mr. J. Griffin, Chief Order Clerk.
After interpretation, the orders are passed on to the Powers Room where punched stock cards are filed in Part Number order, representing the stocks available, and also the punched name and address cards, representing the Company’s Distributors, Dealers and customers.
Standard Triumph Spares Dept
Mechanical Accounting
After the customer’s names and addressed and stock cards have been selected and checked, they are passed on to the Tabulating Section, where the complete paper work necessary to handle the order is produced mechanically on a Powers Samas Tabulator. This provides in one operation :
(1) Customer’s invoice, priced, extended and totalled.