On their way to sunny California where they plan to settle, are Walter Morris, until recently chargehand in Gang 76. No. 5 Shop, Canley and his wife, with their daughter, Christine Thomson, formerly secretary to the Assistant Materials Engineer at Fletch. North, and their grand-daughter eight year old Linda Thomson.
Nine months ago Wal Morris’s younger daughter. Sandra, gave up her job as a typist in the C.K.D. Department at Northey Road to emigrate to Los Angeles. After looking after twins she obtained secretarial employment, and on June 18 she was married to an American. Her father, mother, sister and niece will soon be joining her in Hollywood.
Wal, who hopes to get an engineering job in California, was with the Company for ten years, and his workmates in No. 5 Shop subscribed to buy a silver wrist watch, which was presented to him by Mr. W. J. Tandy, Superintendent Machine Shops.
Christine, three years with the Company, was presented with a leather travelling handbag and an amethyst ring by the secretaries and her other colleagues and friends at Fletch. North. The family sailed in the Queen Elizabeth and were flying from New York to Hollywood.
ARCHIVE: July, 1960